Multimedia artist
My artistic interests are closely linked to my philosophical research. I take up the question of matter, time and processuality, I'm interested in the problem of passage and becoming - and it's from this perspective that I see the identity of man. In my artistic work (and also in my philosophical research) I involve reflection on the corporeality or materiality of the world - something that has been rejected and devalued for centuries in philosophical thought. I present corporeality and materiality as elements as essential as the esprit, and therefore as important components of our experience (I refer to French phenomenological thought). In fact, in my work I combine elements that only appear to be opposites and, as a result, whose boundaries cannot be clearly defined .
Thus my interest also in the difference itself, the border, and the gap, the fissure.
Selected Works
drawing and video, umbilical cord in frame
Work was presented in ODA Gallery, Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland, 2020

Project was presented in 2017 in Manggha Centre of Japanese Art and Technology in Cracow (Poland).

(part of Phainomenon project)
projection video on milk, plexi
02:04 min in loop
This work connected digital video image with organic matter in process of decomposition. First day I filled the transparent form made of plexi with milk, and than I projected the video image 10 on the surface of milk. Under the influence of time and temperature bacteria inside milk start to act transforming both the surface of milk and the surface of video image. The action of organic layer of image insert in digital image of my face, causing the troubles in my skin. The performative role of image was to separate from creator and acquire the role of self-agency to the image. With the passage of time the video image was more unreadable, more revealing his biological activity. Artist – it means me – equally as viewer have stood by and watched this development for a long. Thus I could observe the real changes performing in image as changes in our reality. By use an organic matter, and not only its digital representation, I point out the transformation of matter which constructs our body.

(part of Phainomenon project)
Skipping rope, object made of my hair and my daughter's hair, 1,57 cm

(part of Phainomenon project)
work in progress, gelatin, plexi, 210x120 cm

(part of Phainomenon project)
video, loop, 2017
The material for this work was recorded during my doctoral research in the laboratory of the Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology, University of Warsaw. It shows a cell that as soon as it splits into two parts, immediately reconstitutes itself - and so on and on.

Phainomenon 1
video installation
time: loop
Work was presented in 2017 in Manggha Centre of Japanese Art and Technology in Cracow (Poland).
The video installation consists of 8 video images, which touch the problem of being human, body and time.

Image vidéo no 6

Image vidéo no 7

Image vidéo no 8
Image vidéo no1
Image vidéo no 2
Image vidéo no 3
Image vidéo no 4
Image vidéo no 5

Dreaming I
01:32 min
Work was presented :
– ODA Gallery, Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland, 2015
02:04 min
Work was presented :
– 9th International Festival of Digital Arts & New Media, Athens, Greece (juin 2013)
– 15th Media Art Biennale WRO 2013 Pioneering Values, WrocÅ‚aw, Poland (mai 2013)

video, 2017

​This video was recorded at the time of my father's illness before covid pandemy. I walk in a hospital, which is usually full of patients. As I walk, I discover this empty space, and at the same time I feel the presence of absent people, who should be there. I am looking for a medical laboratory to get the results of my father's exams, which is becoming more and more impossible, as I get lost in long and empty corridors, realizing that we are always alone in front of disturbing situations, in front of death. The strange silence of this place and the trajectory that I make becomes the language without words. It is the language of the lost steps.
Born in 1976 in Warsaw, Poland. Graduated in painting from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, the doctorate in Intermedia from the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow and the doctorate in Philosophy (University of Warsaw - dissertation on the theory of contemporary image). My works were presented at video festivals and solo and group exhibitions in USA, Australia, Russia, Iceland, China, Iran, Spain, France, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Latvia, Poland.

2017 – Phainomenon, Museum of Japanese Art and Technology, Manggha, Kraków, Poland
2007 – Devotion, painting&video, Galerie Zero, Berlin, Germany
2006 – Body, painting&video, Kolonia Artystów, GdaÅ„sk, Poland
2006 – Dream, painting&video, Institut d'Histoire d'Art, WrocÅ‚aw, Poland
2001 – Name, Palace of Czapscy Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw, atelier 8, Poland
2001 – Magic of sense, performance, place Na Rozdrożu, Warsaw, Poland
2000 – Trying capture a space …, Palace of Czapscy Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw, atelier 8, Poland
2024 – Contemporary Venice, Itsliquid International Art Fair, 15th edition, Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello, Venice, Italy
2022 – L’exposition de la sortie de résidence (Transat, Ateliers Medicis), Erba d’Agram, Lagathe Saint-Martin-Château, France
2019 – Love, ODA, Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland
2018 – First line, ODA, Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland
2015 – UkÅ‚ad ciaÅ‚a (Body), ODA, Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland
2013 – II Biennale d'Art (exposition post-competition), CzÄ™stochowa, Poland
– II Piotrkowskie Biennale Sztuki, Piotrków Trynbunalski, Poland
– AV PLAYGROUND, Vienne, Salzburg, Linz – Austria
– 9th International Festival of Digital Arts & New Media, Atene, Greece
– 15th Media Art Biennale WRO 2013 Pioneering Values, WrocÅ‚aw, Poland
– Kulturhuset Borgen, Gislaved, Sweden
2012 – NAA Festival, Novas Artes Associadas, Barcelos, Portugal
– Outvideo, Yekaterinburg, Russia
– Facade Video Festival, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
– ODA, Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland
– Vetlanda Museum, Sweden
– The last exhibition of Intermedia Faculty, Manggha, Kraków, Poland
– Videoformes 2012 International Festival, Concour du jeune public, Clermont-Ferrand, France
2011 – One Minute Film & Video Festival, Aarau, Switzerland
2010 – ArtmobileInvasion Cinema Elektra, Culturen in Vasteras, Sweden
2009 – 22es Instants Video, Marsylia, France
– Sztukart , Grenoble, France
– Art Video Screening, Orebro, Sweden
– International Video&Contemporary Art Festival Waterpieces 2009, Ryga, Latvia
– One Minute Film & Video Festival, Aarau, Switzerland
– "Festiwal Sztuki nad WisÅ‚Ä… PRZEMIANY", Warsaw, space of Vistula, Poland
– 700ISReindeerlandfestival, Islande
– 2009 WCA International Video Shorts Festival, Los Angeles, USA
2008 – Expo Artatou 2008, Avallon, France
– Art Tech Media, Canary Island, Spain
– Optica Festival, Gijon, Spain
– 21th Instants Video Festival, Marseille, France
– Urban Screens Melbourne 08, Australie
– One Minute Film & Video Festival, Aarau, Switzerland
– 809 International New Image Art Festival, Yichang, Chine
– Urban Jealousy the 1st International Roaming Biennial of Tehran
– Illuminators, Yekaterinburg airport, Russia
– Art Video Screening, Orebro, Sweden
2007 – 20es Instants Video, Marseille, France
– II Festiwal IN OUT, GdaÅ„sk, Poland
2006 – Off Festival, Warsaw, Poland
– VI Triennale Sztuki, CzÄ™stochowa, Poland
– Galerie ZakrÄ™t, Warsaw, Poland
2005 – Out Video, Yekaterinburg, Russia
2004 – Sacrum, BWA, Ostrowiec ÅšwiÄ™tokrzyski, Poland
2003 – V Triennale d'Art Sacrum, BWA, CzÄ™stochowa, Poland
2003 – video-show, Cinema-lab, Center of Contemporary Art, Varsovie, Poland
2002 – Academy of Fine Arts diploma, Center of Contemporary Art, Varsovie, Poland
2000 – Plener żydowski- Centrum Pogranicze, Sejny, Poland
1999 – DÅ‚użew 98 – Aneks Gallery, Varsovie, Poland
1999 – "ÅšlÄ…sk-kopalnia tematów", Katowice, Poland
1998 – Exposition of drawing, Gallery of President of Warsaw, Poland
2022 Artistic residency, Transat, Ateliers Medicis, Lagathe, Saint Martin Chateau, France
2013 Award in the Second Art Biennial, Piotrków Trybunalski, Pologne
2012 Grant for an intermediairy project doctoral Space, finished by exhibition in Bunkier Sztuki gallery
in Cracow and ODA gallery in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland
2009 I prize in category Art&Experimental, One Minute Film&Video Festival, Aarau, Switzerland
2024 International conference : « Hybridations, porosités, polyvalences. Questionner les frontières en art » ("Hybridations, porosities, polyvalences. Questioning borders in art".
2-3.05.2024, Centre d’art contemporain du Parvis de Tarbes, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA).
exposé: « L’hybridité comme caractéristique de l’image contemporaine en tant qu’“image élargie” » ("Hybridity as a characteristic of the contemporary image as an
expanded image".
2024 Lecture : L’art et l’image contemporains. L’image élargie, Expanded Image - comme l’expression d’une expérience contemporaine d'art (Contemporary art and image.
Expanded Image - as an expression of contemporary art experience) .
5.04.2024, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA), Université du Temps Libre d’Aquitaine (UTLA), Pau
2024 Arts workshop: drawing/painting techniques, Université du Temps Libre d’Aquitaine (UTLA), Pau
2023-24 Lecture series (semester): Enjeux de l’art et de l’image contemporains (Contemporary art and contemporary images). Université du Temps Libre d’Aquitaine (UTLA), Pau
since 2018 Practical courses of drawing and painting, Open University at the University of Warsaw, Poland
2018 Lecture series (semester): Images or post-images - or the condition of the contemporary image, Open University at the University of Warsaw, Poland
2017 III Congress of Esthetics, Academy of Art, Szczecin, Poland
exposé: Postimage as a transdisciplinary medium of a new art experience
Post-conference publication:
Media, new media or post-media? Scientific Publishing House of the Faculty of Painting and New Media of the Academy of Art in Szczecin, Poland, 2019
2017 International Interdisciplinary Doctoral Conference, Romanian Association of Young Scholars (RAYS), Bucarest, Roumanie
exposé: Contemporary work of art in the context of current humanistic research
2017 Conference The particular relations. The significance of the relationship between the work and the receiver in art research, PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences), Warsaw
exposé: Who is the receiver and who the creator of art in the contemporaneity?
2017 lecture The experience of image in body space, at the invitation of the Polish Society of Philosophy (PTF), University of Warsaw, Poland
2015 Conference Emotional aspects of culture, AGH, Cracow, Poland
exposé: The role of emotions in the creative process in contemporary art
Post-conference publication:
The Emotional Aspects of Culture, Scientific Publishing House of University of Science and Technology (AGH), Kraków, Poland, 2017
2012 publication Two notions of image, Academy of Fine Arts, Cracow, Poland